Thursday, June 27, 2013

How would you change these pictures?

Wooden box and sticky notes

The photographs show what not to do with a scrapbook.  First the scrapbook was stored in a wooden case.  Wood has lignin, which produces an acid as it decays. .  That acid will speed up the deterioration of paper. In addition the wood was sealed with varnish or shellac, which may help limit the acid, but off-gasses chemical substances that may adversely affect the paper.  Second the box was not kept clean and contains the remnants of various insects and dirt.  Many bugs eat paper or glue.  Keeping your storage area clean and free from varmints and creepy crawlies is important.  Use of sticky notes to mark pages is a definite no-no.  The glue is acidic and will discolor the paper over time.  (It’s easy to forget to remove the note when you are done with your project. So use something acid-free to mark your place in case you forget.) Other glue used in this scrapbook is acidic and is particularly damaging to the newspaper clippings.  Using scotchtape, masking tape, or really any adhesive tape as was done in these scrapbooks will also damage paper materials.  As the tape ages it turns brittle and the glue, which is acidic, will turn the paper acidic, yellowed, and brittle. Fortunately for this scrapbook there is an archivist on the job.

            What do you need to do to protect these pages? First store them in an acid free box. Remove all sticky notes. Place acid free tissue between the pages.  Remove tape if possible, but not if removing will further damage the pages. Ask anyone looking at the pages to use clean white gloves to touch the pages. Place any loose items in acid free sleeves.  Use two hands if you must move the pages. Store in an environment that has controlled temperature and humidity.  Keep the area clean and bug and rodent free. Digitize if you can.

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