Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Apps for Archives (and Everybody Else Too)

             At the Social Media training that I attended last week the most valuable information was an introduction to the various apps available to assist in the dissemination of information. The ones that interested me most deal with the addition of graphics to a Facebook page or a website.  I have been a committed Adobe Photoshop user up until they went to the monthly fee approach so I’ve been looking for alternatives.  One that was suggested in the training was  I haven’t worked with it yet, but from the demonstration it looks like it provides all the options that were available in the early versions of photoshop before it got so complicated.  Photoshop is great for graphic artists and professional photographers, but for me Picmonkey sounds like it provides everything I need for free. Two other options that help with graphics for social media page designs are listed below. These apps provide the correct sizing of images.  The sizing is in pixels and the program sizes the image without distorting it.  Either of the following work well according to the trainer:

More after I try to design a business page on Facebook and go get a smartphone.  

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